Private Equity – Institutional Digital Assets
1RoundTable Partners (1RT) is the only active private equity firm that focuses exclusively on investing at the growth stage in the Digital Asset Ecosystem (“DAE”). Through it’s three predecessor funds at 10T Holdings, the 1RT investment team has invested $1.2BN in 26 blockchain / Web 3 / cryptocurrency businesses over the past two and a half years. Important to note, ~$210 million of this has been raised from Australian / NZ clients.
1RT is the natural evolution of the investment strategy created at 10T Holdings by Dan Tapiero. Dan is widely acknowledged to be not only one of the largest, but also the most experienced investors in this space. He has over 30 years global experience in macro and commodity investing, trading and research. Tad Smith, former CEO of the Madison Square Garden Company and Sotheby’s was brought in as Partner as was Michael Dubilier. Michael brings over 30 years of experience in private equity and direct investing in industrial, consumer, and technology companies. Dan and his team are recognised globally as leaders in this space.
Investment Philosophy
The 1RT team will build a diversified portfolio of growth stage “picks and shovels” DAE companies and in the process will catalyse growth partnerships among portfolio companies. Given the 2022 bear market, valuation multiples have declined and provide the current fund with an optimal entry point as mainstream adoption picks up speed.